Hi, I’m Clément MATHIEU from Nice, France.
I’m an freelance software engineer who has spent the last ~15 years:
- designing distributed services & libraries for simplicity, robustness and performance.
- operating and troubleshooting the above-mentionned services.
- desiging internal developer platforms; especially observability, CI/CD pipelines.
- mentoring co-workers.
See my resume to learn more.
I spend the rest of my time having fun in the mountains and watching wildlife.
Open Source Contributions
Having been using mostly open source tools and libraries since late Nineties, I value the freedom and shared knowledge that the open source movement brings to its users. When I find a bug or need an additional feature, I enjoy pushing my patches upstream.
I can remember having contributed to the following projects:
Maintainer or creator:
Major contributions:
Bug fixes, minor contributions or bug reports:
- Apache / Avro
- Apache / Crunch
- Apache / Log4j2
- Apache / Maven
- Apache / Spark
- Apache / Sqoop
- Assertj
- Azure SDK for Java
- Codespeed
- Cucumber-jvm
- Eclipse / AdoptOpenJDK (was AdoptOpenJDK)
- Eclipse / Jersey
- FlameGraph
- Grafana
- Jaeger Tracing
- JetBrains / intellij-plugins
- Jfr-flame-graph
- jq
- K8ssandra
- Kafka / parallel-consumer
- kafkactl
- Liquidprompt
- Linuxfr.org
- Micrometer
- OpenJDK
- OpenJDK / JMH
- OpenTracing
- Renovate
- S3Mock
You can also see my Github.